Saturday, September 17, 2016

To do List.

Grade 8:
  1. Thinking Book (need your book by end of week)
  2. Math - complete 100 chart (PRIME numbers)
  3. Complete Parent Contact Info Link (if you haven't done so already)
  4. Permission for MADD presentation
  5. Yellow form from office/ Lunch permission
  6. "Bring Your Own Device" permission form

Grade 7:
  1. Math - Standard, expanded, words handout
  2. Complete Parent Contact Info Link (if you haven't done so already)
  3. Permission for MADD presentation
  4. Yellow form from office/ Lunch permission
  5. "Bring Your Own Device" permission form
  6. All about me presentation- Monday
  7. If I plant a seed rough copy- due Wednesday (Time given in class)
Have a good weekend


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