Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Grade 7- Diagnostic Writing Task


Maybe you’ve have had an action-packed summer. Perhaps you climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro or attended the World Cup in Brazil.  
Then again, I suspect some of you will say "I didn't do anything exciting".   In that case, this writing task is designed for you.
Please don’t bore your reader with actual events. Don’t talk about going to Tina's for lunch or longboarding down McClellan Way. 
Tell a story about what didn’t really happen. My guess is what didn’t happen will be much more interesting than what did.
Make it up. Be creative. Be funny if you want to. It’s your first writing task of the school year.  Relax and have fun with it.

On Google drive, create a document called "What I Didn't Do over Summer Vacation"

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