Friday, January 13, 2017

To do list....

Grade 8:

  • Math Checkpoint- Monday
  • Read Health articles and record your questions on Google docs
  • Spoken Word Topic- Monday
  • Health Inquiry Topic and Question- Monday (Several Resources on the blog)
i e - Physical Activity (Big idea)- What's the relationship between student achievement and being 
                                                      physically active? (Inquiry question)
                                                    -How do you live a more physically active life?
  • Three Spoken Word rough copies  ("Dear..... ", "What if....," "How to...." or What you need to survive" completed if your unfinished

Grade 7:
  • Math Checkpoint- Monday
  • Spoken Word Topic- Monday 
  • Three Spoken Word rough copies  ("Dear..... ", "What if....," "How to...." or What you need to survive"?   completed if your unfinished                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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