Sunday, January 29, 2017

Grade 7 Blogpost

Learning Goal:  Create a digital or hardcopy wall art display on a theme of your choice

 Success Criteria:
  • Interesting theme
  • Orignal
  • Organized
  • Thoughtful display (Make sure your words face the same direction)
  • Fonts (Size, Style)
  • Colour
Due: Tuesday, Feb. 7 

Several examples below:


Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I won't be at school tomorrow, which means we will delay/push back all our presentations 1 day.  I hope to be back on Tuesday :)

The new schedule will be:

Tuesday-  How to... presentations (Grade 7 & 8)
Wednesday-  Health Inquiry  (Grade 8)
Thursday-  Health Inquiry/ Collecting Thinking Books
Friday- PD Day

Have a good day


Friday, January 27, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • "How to......."- presentations continue on Monday
  • Health Inquiry presentations- Tuesday & Wednesday
  • Thinking Book ongoing- Books to be collected on Thursday, Feb. 2
  • Instructional Video- due Feb. 7

Grade 7:
  • "How to..."- presentations continue on Monday
  • Instructional video- due Feb. 7

Have a good weekend


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

To do list....

Grade 8:

-Math pg. 170 #5, 6
-Instructional presentation (Thursday) & Health Inquiry (Tuesday)
-Instructional presentation (Monday) & Health Inquiry (Wednesday)
-Processed Food: Questions due tomorrow for Ms. Marchand
-Thinking Book ongoing

Grade 7:

- Polygon Mind Map due Thursday
-Instructional presentation either Thursday or Tuesday

Have a good night


How to.... Success Criteria

  • Effective Introduction/hook & Conclusion

  • Show all the important steps, rules, and/or tips for the procedure.

  • Show details about the procedure that others might not have thought of

  • Use word choice that is interesting and sophisticated.

  • Make the procedure clear and easy to understand

  • Present with personality


Have a good night



Grade 8

Preparation for measurement test

Saturday, January 21, 2017

To do list....

  1. Math test - circumference and area of a circle (Thursday and Friday - no double period)
  2. Montreal trip - second deposit is due by this Thursday. We have discovered an error on the Cash Online for the second deposit. It should have charged more than the $103 it did. Therefore, the third installment (due in March) will be $366 to reflect this error. We apologize for the error. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
  3. Checkpoint - AREA (Monday- Gr. 8)
  4. Spoken Word - practice (Grade 7 & 8)
  5. Instructional presentations - script ready for Monday (Grade 7 & 8)
  6. Health Inquiry- (ongoing- Grade 8)
  7. Thinking Book- (ongoing)
Grad photos - Thursday (wear white shirt with collar)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


A couple of dates to add to our important dates:

  • High school registration forms due Monday, Jan. 23
  • Course selection forms due Tues., Feb. 21

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

More examples...


Jan. 19- Spoken Word rough copy (Ready for feedback)
Jan. 20- PA Day
Jan. 24- Class Poetry Slam
Jan. 25- Montreal 2nd payment due (Grade 8)
Jan. 26- Instructional Class Presentations
Jan. 26- GRAD Photos
Jan. 27- School Poetry Slam
Week of Jan. 29- Thinking Books due this week (Grade 8 only)
Jan. 30- Instructional Class Presentations continue
Jan. 31- Health Inquiry Presentations
Feb. 1- Health Inquiry Presentations continue
Feb. 3- PA DAY
Feb. 7- Instructional Videos due
Feb. 15- Reports go home

Monday, January 16, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • Spoken Word topic- tomorrow (Put some critical thought into it)
  • Health Inquiry project- begin your research
  • Instructional Video script- ongoing
  • Thinking Book- ongoing (Books collected the week of Jan. 30th
  • High School Courses (Registration, courses printed)
Grade 7:
  • Spoken Word topic- tomorrow (Put some critical thought into it)
  • Instructional Video script- ongoing
  • Math Handout (Complete the last two triangles)

Have a good night


Writing Prompts



One of my favourites

Friday, January 13, 2017

To do list....

Grade 8:

  • Math Checkpoint- Monday
  • Read Health articles and record your questions on Google docs
  • Spoken Word Topic- Monday
  • Health Inquiry Topic and Question- Monday (Several Resources on the blog)
i e - Physical Activity (Big idea)- What's the relationship between student achievement and being 
                                                      physically active? (Inquiry question)
                                                    -How do you live a more physically active life?
  • Three Spoken Word rough copies  ("Dear..... ", "What if....," "How to...." or What you need to survive" completed if your unfinished

Grade 7:
  • Math Checkpoint- Monday
  • Spoken Word Topic- Monday 
  • Three Spoken Word rough copies  ("Dear..... ", "What if....," "How to...." or What you need to survive"?   completed if your unfinished                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Thursday, January 12, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:

-Math handout #1-4
-Math Checkpoint: Monday
-Read "Physical Activity" health article and record your questions on a google doc
-Instructional Video topic
-Health Inquiry Project topic

Grade 7:

-Math Checkpoint: Monday
-Instructional Video topic

Have a good night


Health Resources

Health Rubric


Made with Padlet

Grade 8 Math

Math Problem - Circumference

Area of square is 40 square centimetres. What is the perimeter of the figure?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Health Articles

You are responsible to read the article and create a google doc called "Health Articles".  Make sure it is shared with me.
  • Write down any questions that you have (what are you wondering?)

Physical Activity

Mental Health

Healthy Eating

To do list....

Grade 8:
  1. Math -  "In transit" worksheet & Understanding different formulas 
  2. Checkpoint - Friday (circumference)
  3. TOPIC for instructional video for Friday
  4. Health Inquiry Topic  ie. Vegan, Vegetarian, Physical Activity, Stress, Sleep, Mental Health, Hydration, Healthy Eating etc.
  5.  Thinking Book- Ongoing
  6. Spoken Word potential topic (Something you feel strongly about)

Grade 7:
  1. Math -  Geometry handouts (Polygons, Attributes)
  2. TOPIC for instructional video for Friday
  3. Spoken Word potential topic (Something you feel strongly about)

Have a good night


Monday, January 9, 2017


  • BIG IDEA (important, passionate, connections)
  • powerful statements (vocabulary, analogies, metaphors, short, descriptive)
  • organization is evident (makes sense)
  • what is the take away?

  • body language/hand gestures (matches the message)
  • eye contact
  • voice (volume, tone, emotion, passion)
  • emphasis on important words and ideas
  • rhythm



To do list...

Grade 8:

-Pg. 151  #5 b, c (FOCUS ON COMMUNICATION)
-Instructional Video Topic (By Thursday)
-Independent Reading Book ASAP

Grade 7:

-Math Handout (You should be able to draw, classify angles from 0 to 360 degrees)
-Instructional Video Topic (By Thursday)
-Independent Reading Book ASAP

*RUBRICS SIGNED (Math Test, Theme, & Literacy Activities)

Have a good night


*Let's go Crimson Tide

Share their Dreams

2017 Resolutions

Grade 7

Estimating Angles

Banana Hunt