Monday, November 21, 2016

To do list.....

Grade 8:
  • Weekly Blogpost- due tomorrow (Posted on your blog, and short presentation)
  • Literacy Activities- due Thursday (One more rotation)
  • Thinking Books Evaluation- I will be collecting them on Wednesday, Nov. 30
  • Math Test signed

Grade 7:
  • Weekly Blogpost- due tomorrow (Posted on your blog)
  • Literacy Activities- due Thursday (One more rotation)
  • Patterning and Algebra Math Evaluation- Monday, November 28th
Upcoming Dates:

Progress Reports go home - Nov. 23
Parent - Teacher Interviews - Thurs., Nov. 24 and Fri., Nov. 25 (forms went home)
Young People's Theatre - Dec. 6 ( Grade 8) Dec. 7 (Grade 7)

Young People's Theatre Payment will be open on School Cash Online from Monday until Wednesday Night (12:00 pm)

Have a good night


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