Tuesday, November 29, 2016

To do list....

Grade 8:
  • Math Evaluation- Thursday (Graphing)
  • Math Test- Monday
  • Thinking Books are being collected tomorrow
  • Orbiting Jupiter Evaluations signed- Monday

Grade 7:
  • Orbiting Jupiter Evaluations signed- Monday

*Poinsettia Orders Form- due Nov. 30
*Montreal Trip - information night: Wed., November 30 at 6:30 pm (school library)

Have a good night


Monday, November 28, 2016

To do list....

Grade 8:
  • Science Test- Wednesday
  • Math pg. 142/143 #3-8
  • Math Evaluation- Thursday (one question)
  • Math Test- Monday
  • Young Theatre Performance- Tuesday, Dec. 6
  • Signed Orbiting Jupiter Evaluation
  • Collecting Thinking Books- Wednesday
Grade 7:
  • Signed Orbiting Jupiter Evaluation
  • Young Theatre Performance- Wednesday, Dec. 7


"Human Family" - Maya Angelou

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Graphing Patterns

  • what do these graphs tell us about the patterns they represent?
  • what numbers would represent the patterns?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

To do list.....

Grade 8:
  • Thinking Book - Wednesday
  • Science Test- ????
  • French signed- ASAP
  • Math Test will be the week of  Dec. 5 
  • Sing, Sing, Sing - due Monday
  • Art- due at the end of class Monday

Grade 7:
  • Science Test- ???
  • French signed...
  • Math Evaluation- Monday
  • Sing, Sing, Sing- due Monday
  • Art- due at the end of class Monday

Have a good weekend


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Upcoming dates:
  • Wed., November 30 - Montreal Trip Information Meeting @ 6:30 (library)
  • December 2 - Superhero Day
  • December 6 - Young People's Theatre Trip

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • Progress Reports went home (Interview time inside envelope)
  • Math Textbook pg. 132 #12-14 (Very difficult questions, make a legit effort)
  • Literacy Activities- due @ the end of the day tomorrow (1 period to clean up)
  • Thinking Book collected on Wednesday

Grade 7:
  • Progress Reports went home (Interview time inside envelope)
  • Math Evaluation- Monday (Review tomorrow in class)
  • Literacy Activities- due @ the end of the day tomorrow (1 period to work on them)

*Young Theatre Payment, complete on School Cash online, it is open until midnight tonight


Monday, November 21, 2016

To do list.....

Grade 8:
  • Weekly Blogpost- due tomorrow (Posted on your blog, and short presentation)
  • Literacy Activities- due Thursday (One more rotation)
  • Thinking Books Evaluation- I will be collecting them on Wednesday, Nov. 30
  • Math Test signed

Grade 7:
  • Weekly Blogpost- due tomorrow (Posted on your blog)
  • Literacy Activities- due Thursday (One more rotation)
  • Patterning and Algebra Math Evaluation- Monday, November 28th
Upcoming Dates:

Progress Reports go home - Nov. 23
Parent - Teacher Interviews - Thurs., Nov. 24 and Fri., Nov. 25 (forms went home)
Young People's Theatre - Dec. 6 ( Grade 8) Dec. 7 (Grade 7)

Young People's Theatre Payment will be open on School Cash Online from Monday until Wednesday Night (12:00 pm)

Have a good night


Friday, November 18, 2016

To do list....

Grade 8:

  • Math Homework pg. 129 # 11-13
  • Weekly Blogpost- due Tuesday (Posted on your blog, and 2-minute presentation)
  • Math Test signed- Monday
Grade 7:

  • Weekly Blogpost- due Tuesday (Posted on your blog)
Have a good weekend


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Grade 8 TRIP

Image result for old montreal

Montreal Trip Information will take place on November 30 @ 6:30 pm in the Highview library.

Ballots for a $50 discount should come home today.

To do list.....

Grade 8:

  • Writer's Workshop Polished Document (Highlight in red, Complete Self-Evaluation)
  • Weekly Blogpost- due Tuesday (Posted on your blog, Grade 8's:2-minute presentation)
  • Read Orbiting Jupiter passage- for tomorrow
  • Williams Information Night tonight from 7 - 9
  • Orbiting Jupiter Response Questions

Grade 7:
  • Weekly Blogpost- due Tuesday (Posted on your blog)
  • Math Checkpoint- tomorrow
  • Read Orbiting Jupiter passage- for tomorrow
  • Orbiting Jupiter Response Questions
Have a great night


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Digital Tool - example

What is Windows Live Movie Maker?

Windows Live Movie Maker is a great way to create a slideshow using your own 
music, photos and videos. I find it is an alternative to using PowerPoint, and I 
have used it in several presentations for school and it has been very successful in
 the past. There are several features to this app, some which include of visual effects
on your photos/videos, adding text to your images, and creating transitions 
(such as; dissolve, fade etc). But that's just the basics, movie maker is much more 
advanced, but these are the simple features in which we will be discussing today.

When is the appropriate time to use movie maker?

I have used movie maker for many projects in school such as; for our dance unit my 
friend Maddy and I created a film as if we were on the show 'So You Think You Can 
Dance". I have also created a video for a social studies on facts about rice and while 
the video played in the background I continued to talk over top of it. But not only is 
this use for school, it also a phenomenal tool to use outside of school. For example, 
for my father's birthday I created a video of all the memories we've had explaining 
how many wonderful years it's been spending time with him.


-Free of charge
-Virus free
-Easy to use
-Rotate photos
-Over 20 different transitions
-Easy to upload to YouTube
-Can join, fade and trim clips (video, audio etc)
-Record videos with webcam


-Only available for windows (not available for apple products etc) which would 
make it hard to use for school
-No voice over available
-Not available on phones
-Not available for Windows RT or Windows RT 8.1

How to use Movie Maker

1. First type in your search engine 'Windows Live Movie Maker', there will many 
websites in which you can download this tool, depending on what version is 
compatible with your computer should be the one you shall download.

2. After Movie maker has been downloaded, you can start your movie by clicking 

on the add videos and photos. Once you have done that, you can click on the 
visual effects title and there will be different options on how you can alter your photo. 
In addition to this, there is a small icon on the right which is labeled brightness in 
which you can adjust the brightness.

3. Next, you can add the music by clicking on the add music (on the right of where 

it says add photos and videos) and it gives you two options. The first option is add 
music and the second is add music at current point, you can do either or depending 
on your choice.

4. Following, you can add a title to your video (you can do this in the beginning if 

you'd like instead) by clicking on title, you can drag that slide to the beginning of 
the film. You can also change the background of the title by clicking on where it 
reads video tools/edit. In this same section you can alter the timing of your video.

5. Lastly to create transitions you need to have more than one image 

(video, photo, title). Then move the vertical bar across to the start of the second 
slide (anything just not first) and click on animations. Once you have clicked on 
animations, there will be a large amount of options for transitions.


Down below is a video in which I have created in grade six for an art project. The 
entire project was just used with Movie Maker.

Digital Tools Rubric

Digital Tool Blogpost

Learning Goal:
·        find and demonstrate a NEW digital tool to use in your learning at school (needs to be accessible for most: Chrome extension, mobile app, online tool etc.)

Success Criteria:
ü  summarize the tool (what it does)
ü  how it could be used
ü  create an example using the tool
ü  list advantages and disadvantages
ü  provide some instructions on how to use it

Due: Friday, November 17

Possible tools:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Upcoming dates.....

Upcoming dates:
  • Photo retake day - Nov. 15
  • Mr. Kaufman @ Girls Vball AREA- Nov. 15
  • Mr. Kaufman @Boys Vball Area- Nov. 16
  • Williams Information Night - Nov. 17 @ 7 pm
  • Progress Reports go home - Nov. 23
  • Parent - Teacher Interviews - Thurs., Nov. 24 and Fri., Nov. 25 (forms went home)
  • Young People's Theatre - Dec. 6



Thursday, November 10, 2016

To do list..

Grade 8 Math test - tomorrow 

Note regarding "Holiday Baskets" fundraising will come home tomorrow!

Young People's Theatre - School Cash Online is available now for short period of time for the families that still need to sign up.

Remembrance Day Assembly - tomorrow @ 10:45 (Poppies will be available)

Have a good night


Monday, November 7, 2016

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • Math Checkpoint (Tuesday) - order of operations
  • Math Unit Test - Friday
Grade 7:
  • Math Evaluation- Thursday
  • Plot Diagram Evaluation- tomorrow
Remembrance Day Assembly - Friday, Nov. 11 @ 10:45 (bring donation for poppy on Friday)

Young People's Theatre - https://www.schoolcashonline.com/ (if you haven't already signed up it should be available for the next couple of days online)

Have a good night


Friday, November 4, 2016

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • History Reading page 49 (Before, During, After)
  • "Fat Man Walking" character analysis
  • Order of Operations handout #14, 17, 18, 19, 24, 27
Grade 7:

  • Weekly Blogpost presentation- Monday 
  • Pg. 137 # 5, 6

Have a good weekend


Thursday, November 3, 2016

To do list....

Grade 8:

  • Division checkpoint- tomorrow
Grade 7:
  • Bucket List Presentation- Monday

-Tomorrow, weather permitting, your art class will be outside.... Please come dressed appropriately :)
-Young People's Theatre - permission on School Cash Online

Have a good night


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Writer's Notebook Prompt

Which of the six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,  fairness, caring, and citizenship) is most important? Explain your thinking

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • Dividing Fractions checkpoint - Friday
  • Keep up to date with Literacy Activities

Grade 7:

  • Math Checkpoint tomorrow 
  • Weekly Blogpost bucket list presentation- Monday
  • Keep up to date with Literacy Activities
Young People's Theatre trip - Tues., Dec. 6th (found on School Cash Online

Have a good night


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

To do list....

Grade 7:

-Weekly Blogpost Bucket List Presentation- Friday morning
-Math Checkpoint tomorrow

Grade 8:

-Math textbook pg. 314 #4, 5
-Williams Permission form (If you haven't brought it back)

*We will be going to Dr. G. W. Williams SS tomorrow from 9:30 - 11:30 am