Friday, March 31, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • Blog- ready to be viewed by your peers
  • Pg. 406 #3, 5, 8, 11, 12
Grade 7:
  • Final Lit Circle- Monday
  • Pg. 286 #3, 5 & Pg 290 #8, 9  

Have a good weekend 


Thursday, March 30, 2017

To do list..

Grade 8:

  • Intro to the world blog post (Purpose of your blog, what your audience can expect, hook)
  • Book Selection- tomorrow

Grade 7:
  • Lit Circle final meeting tomorrow
  • Written Lit Circle work
  • Blog post Part 1 (5 Paragraphs & Your own "5 Things in 5 days" choices)
Have a good night


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:
  1. Math - probability worksheet
  2. Literacy - introduction blog post due Friday
  3. Memory Book page due Friday
  4. Book Club choices- due Friday

Grade 7:
  • Math Algebra handout
  • Final Lit Circle- due Friday
  • Written Lit Circle- due Friday
  • Blog post part 1- due Friday

Have a good night


Take a Stand

Verbal Visual Essays - analysis


  • use verbal (words, phrases, quotes) and visuals to express YOUR interpretation of a text(s)

Questions to consider:
  • does it show an understanding of the text?
  • did they INTEGRATE the verbal and visual? arrangement?
  • use of design elements? (colour? fonts? size?)
  • shows insight into significant ideas?
Related image

Grade 7 Math Link


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

To do list..

Grade 8:

  • Intro to world blog post- due Friday (This is the purpose of the blog, what can you expect?)
  • Book Club selection- due Friday
  • Memory Book page- due End of the week
Grade 7:
  • Final Lit Circle meeting- Friday
  • Written Lit Circle work- due Friday
  • Blogpost "5 Things in 5 Days"- due Friday

Have a good night



Monday, March 27, 2017

Grade 7- Summary Success Criteria

A good summary:
  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include and effective introductory and concluding sentence

Thursday, March 23, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • Thinking Book- due tomorrow
  • Math Checkpoint- tomorrow
  • Math Test- Tuesday
  • Blog proposal submitted to me......
  • Rosa Parks completed

Grade 7:
  • Literature Circle meeting- tomorrow
  • Deck of cards for "99" tomorrow
  • Rosa Parks completed

Have a good night 


Grade 7 Blogpost- "5 Things in 5 Days"

1.  Read  365 things in 365 days blog (Notice the descriptions/photos) This is something you can read during Independent reading. 
2.  Choose your favourite five ideas and explain why you chose them on Google drive. (5 paragraphs).  The document should be called "5 Things in 5 Days"
3.  Think of "5 Things in 5 Days" that you personally would like to accomplish and record them on your document.  (YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO THEM FOR PART 2)


*Try and avoid choosing a new food (Be original)


  • Raise money for Grace Bowen
  •  Learn to check the oil of a car
  •  Facetime Grandma in Ireland
  • Pump the gas into a car
  • Learn the Roman numeral symbols
  • Learn 30 digits of Pi
  • Message in a bottle (with a return email address)
  • Do a chore (Clean the toilets)
  • Watch the sunrise
  • Research my Family Tree

Monday, March 20, 2017

To do list....

Grade 8:
  1. Math Checkpoint- Wednesday & Friday (Test early next week, likely Tuesday)
  2. Literacy - Thinking Books hand in by Friday
  3. Blog proposal- due Thursday

Grade 7:
  • Lit Circle Meeting tomorrow
  • Integer Math Test- Thursday

Have a good night


Thursday, March 9, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • 3 Percent Questions on blog
  • Bring a deck of cards (If you have some)
  • 1 period tomorrow to finish up your Visual/Verbal Essay
  • Independent Reading Project/Thinking Book- due End of March Break
Grade 7:
  • Integers Checkpoint- tomorrow
  • Lit Circle- Tuesday after March Break
  • Bring a deck of cards (If you have some)
  • 1 Period tomorrow to finish up Visual/Verbal Essay
Have a good night


Tuesday, March 7, 2017


What is a good estimate for 42% of 85? Explain how you estimated it.
When do people use percents in everyday life other than in sales in stores?
Is 10% a lot? Explain why or why not.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Verbal Visual Essay examples

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • All American Boys Thinking Book Page- due tomorrow
  • Math Test- Wednesday
  • Documentary Presentations continue tomorrow
  • Independent Reading Book/Thinking Book ongoing
Grade 7:
  • Lit Circle- Tuesday
  • Documentary Presentations continue tomorrow

Have a good night


Friday, March 3, 2017

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • Math Test- Wednesday (Rates, Ratios)
  • Documentary presentations- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
  • Awards Assembly- Wednesday
  • All American Boys Think Book page- due Monday
Grade 7:
  • Documentary presentations- Monday and Tuesday
  • Awards Assembly- Wednesday
  • Lit Circle- Tuesday
Have a good weekend


Grade 8 Math

In a factory, the ratio of men to women is 2:3.
The ratio of right-handed men to left-handed men is 7:3
The ratio of right-handed women to left-handed women is 11:1
What fraction of the factory workforce is right-handed?
What is the fewest number of employees possible in this building?


Made with Padlet
Made with Padlet

Thursday, March 2, 2017



Day 1  Put on a piece of music and doodle for the whole song.

Day 2:  Doodle lines, circles, shapes

Day 3:  Pick an Animal and an emotion; doodle that animal depicting the emotion

Here is an example of Day 1 Doodle:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Grade 8 Math

Is it a better deal for two people to share a large fries or buy two small fries?

Would you like fries with your order?

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • Make an effort on #15 & 16 on Pg. 66
  • Documentary Blogpost- due Friday (Oral presentations begin on Monday)
  • Math Test- Wednesday (Ratio and Rates)
Grade 7:
  • Lit Circle discussion- tomorrow
  • Documentary Blogpost- due Friday (Oral presentations begin on Monday)

Have a good night