Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Grade 7 & 8

Prepare adequately for tomorrow's Math Evaluation

Have a good night


Monday, December 19, 2016

To do list...

Grade 8:

  • Math Test moved to Wednesday morning
Grade 7:
  • Math Test- Wednesday
Have a good night

I will see everyone tonight @ the Holiday Concert :)


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

To do list...

Montreal - deadline on School Cash Online is tomorrow. The second and third installments will also be paid on School Cash Online later this year.

Gr. 7

-Math Unit Test: Tuesday

Gr. 8

-Math Unit Test: Tuesday

  • Seedfolks Character profiles
  • Thinking Book
  • Writing Challenge

Have a good night


Monday, December 12, 2016

To do list.....

Grade 8:

  • Math Checkpoint tomorrow 
  • Math Test signed- ASAP
  • SeedFolks- Complete "Wendell" character profile
Grade 7:
  • Math Evaluation signed- ASAP
  • SeedFolks- Complete "Wendell" character profile
  • Write "No Bum" paragraph (s)- What is the theme?
Montreal Trip - deposit due on School Cash Online & form to Mr. Kaufman

Have a good night


Friday, December 9, 2016

To do list...

Grade 8:
  • Math Handout # 3, 4 e, f, g, h,
  • NO BUM- Highlight in three different colours (What is Theme?, Big Ideas, Text Evidence) 
  • Science homework #1-5
  • Thinking Book- Draw the setting of "Seedfolks" 

    Grade 7:
    • Thinking Book- Draw the setting of "Seedfolks" 

    *GRADE 8's School Registration form and payment due DEC. 14

    Have a good weekend


    Thursday, December 8, 2016

    To do list....

    Grade 8:

    • "No Bum"-  What is the theme? (Paragraph)  - Please print if you can
    • Math Handout #11, 14- 20 (Focus on communication) 

    Grade 7:
    • Math Evaluation conversions- tomorrow  

    Have a good night


    Wednesday, December 7, 2016

    To do list...

    Grade 8:

    • What is the Theme Paragraph "No Bum"? (Please print if you're able to)
    • Math handout #15, 17, 18 (Focus on your communication)
    • Montreal Payment is due Dec. 14
    Grade 7:

    Have a good night


    Monday, December 5, 2016

    To do list....

    Grade 8:
    • OJ Evaluation- signed
    • Digital Tool Rubric- signed
    *Tomorrow we will be eating lunch @ 11:00 prior to our departure :)

    Grade 7:
    • Digital Tool Rubric- signed
    • Math Evaluation- (Perimeter and Area of a compound figure)

    The deposit for the Montreal Trip should be working on Cash Online now. Deadline is December 14.

    Have a good night


    Friday, December 2, 2016

    To do list...

    Grade 8:

    • Prepare for Math Test- Monday
    • Young Theatre Performance- Tuesday

    Grade 7:

    • Compound Figure Evaluation- Tuesday
    • Young Theatre Performance- Wednesday

    Please return your Report Envelope ASAP
    The deposit for the Montreal Trip should be working on Cash Online now. Deadline is December 14.

    Have a good weekend


    Example of Procedural Writing

    • What FEATURES are included?

    Made with Padlet

    Thursday, December 1, 2016

    To do list....

    Grade 8:

    -Math Review- pg. 145 #1-4
    -Report Card Envelope signed and brought back
    -Math Test: Monday

    Grade 7:

    -Math Handout: Area of the two compound figures
    -24 Day Writing Challenge (If not finished)

    The deposit for the Montreal Trip should be working on Cash Online now. Deadline is December 14.